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A'shantee Spencer

Industrial Design Portfolio

Where Creativity Never Stops

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I’m an industrial design student based in Toronto, Ontario. My work is focused on producing quality results and making a significant impact. I’m always happy to apply the experience and skills I’ve obtained throughout my life and career to an interesting project, especially one that involves creative problem solving and innovative thinking. Have a look at all I’ve worked on, and let me know if you have any questions.

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Welcome to my portfolio. From experimental passion projects to commissioned work for clients, I’ve had the opportunity to create a variety of projects for this dynamic industry. I thrive on creative challenges and enjoy building strong relationships along the way. Explore my work below, and contact me directly to learn more.


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Little Bikers

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Lëf Propagation Planter

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Medical Respiratory Mask

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Porter Pal App

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Team Project:
The personal health and care industry is filled with harmful single use products. Paired with Justin Ho, Elishia Polwattage and I; Bambuuu’s aim to replace wasteful disposable products.
Ergonomically sound, thoughtfully designed, functionally feasible. 
Incorporating 316 stainless steel, silk floss, and bamboo; Bambuuu is a solution to sustainability. 
Consisting of a thin and sturdy head for easy maneuvering, an ergonomically thick, interchangeable bamboo handle for comfortable grip, and an embedded floss cutter for ease of use.

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Little Bikers

Balance Bike

As a passionate and detail-oriented industrial design students; Aviva Krakowitz and I enjoyed approaching complex projects with a holistic approach. 


Knowing that balance bikes are a critical step in a child's mobility and coordination abilities, we sought out a design solution that benefits both the parent and child.

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Little Bikers

Balance Bike

Through research and ideation, we were able to discover that the optimal balance bike is attainable when understanding the fundamentals, such as; lightweight plywood bikes are better for weight distribution, and how adjustable seat and handle bars are preferred.

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Little Bikers

Balance Bike

Additionally, knowing that 2-4 year old's ride their bikes in either a stand - walk method or sit - walk method is beneficial as this indicates that the critical component of the balance bike is the seat height and long wheelbase for stability. All of these factors were able to be implemented in our design.

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Propagation Planter

Team Project:
The personal health and wellbeing sector has become popularized as more health conscious millennials desire  to lauch home gardens. In a joint effort with Elishia Polwattage, Cole Nielson and I, we strived to created a planter specifically for propagation of plants under the Humber x Umbra project guidelines.

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Propagation Planter

Home gardening life has become a popularized recreational and therapeutic activity for millennials, as these individuals strive to be health conscious through purifying their air quality and their mental wellbeing. Propagation planters provides a perfect blend of beautifying one’s living environment and gardening, with this in mind the Lëf propagation planter grants users with dual functionality of growth, spacing and aesthetic.

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Medical Respiratory Mask

Medical respiratory mask or surgical/standard N95 mask is defined as reusable and replaceable medical grade containers, cartridges, or filters, in which the face piece is equipped with a screen that covers the face and eyes, and acts as an eye protectant. Through utilizing these types of masks the health and wellness of medical staff are guaranteed, as each mask ensures quality materials are incorporated.

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Medical Respiratory Mask

In response to the importance of masks, an independent computer-aided design project was assigned with aims to create a respiratory medical grade mask product that has seamless cartridges or filters that does not weigh down, obstruct or disturb the user when it is being worn.

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Medical Respiratory Mask

Through design research of ergonomics and basic principles of a medical respiratory mask, the aim was to construct a product that has a functional, intriguing yet simplistic design, which includes; an exhaust valve, fan filter, and UV light cleaning area; where each feature enhances an organic shape.

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Porterpal App Design

There are various medical and healthcare challenges that workers in this field must encounter while maintaining professionalism; an overlooked area of issue would be the physical strain and stress-related work that patient porters have a tendency to go through. In relation to this, Porterpal was cultivated by Justin Ho, Shoshannah Maggie, Elishia Polwattage, and I to ensure an easier and more reliable system to help ease the repetitive issues that patient porters encounter.

Porterpal Demo

This live demo helps demonstrate how the user-interface and interaction would be when patient porters utilize the app while on the job. As the healthcare field can be stressful and hectic; Porterpal helps reduce these experiences such that there is greater opportunity to safely conduct in-hospital patient transfers.

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"The role of the designer is that of a good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests."

- Charles Eames

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